What Is the Cops Eating Donuts of Your Profession?

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What is the "cops eating donuts" of your profession?

“Those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach.” That is, teachers are just people who failed at other professions. That makes zero sense, in the United States at least, since you have to go to college specifically for teaching in order to be a teacher. It’s not like you get fired or suck at your “real job” and go into teaching. You have to plan and train for years to do it. Around here, at least, teaching is a lucrative career path, too, compared to the private sector. Chicago public school teachers make more than the average degree holder in this city, have amazing benefits that most in the private sector could only dream about, and work about 200 days per year. True, I know a lot of teachers (including myself) for whom teaching is our second career. That may make it seem like we failed at the first one. The truth is, most “teaching is my second career” types didn’t fail at their first career, but realized t valued time with their own children over career advancement in their first careers. That is, t could have done lots of things, but t went into teaching because it’s so family-friendly. That’s not a failure. That’s a wise decision.

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And that’s more than any of you or anyone at least worth a damn or three can say for yourselves. ‬If you want to be a successful teacher, you have to start somewhere.‪ ‪I have taught in Chicago, New Orleans, and New York before becoming a teacher.‪ ‪I am excited to be in this role.‪ ‪And I expect the same from my students.